ORWELLIAN NIGHTMARE: Telegram CEO Pavel Durov is Confined to France for Refusing to Censor His Free Speech Platform

Telegram CEO Pavel Durov was arrested and is now being forcibly confined in France because of his refusal to commit draconian censorship on his platform.
Telegram has grown because it is one of the few free speech platforms on the planet. Because of the social media app’s rise and his unwillingness to commit massive amounts of censorship, Durov is a marked man by a regime that grows more deranged with each passing day.
Durov is being charged with child pornography, drug trafficking and fraudulent transactions – not because he committed any of these crimes but because these crimes are allegedly being committed on his platform by others. It is claimed that if Durov enacted a massive censorship regime, he could prevent these crimes before they could happen. This is, of course, baseless and unprovable nonsense circulated by authorities desperate to fabricate a justification for their Orwellian crackdown.
Durov is free from jail after posting a 5 million Euro bail but cannot leave France as he awaits trial. French President Emmanuel Macron claimed spuriously that Durov’s arrest was “not political” and, despite all evidence to the contrary, his government cares about free speech and open expression.
“France is more than anything attached to freedom of expression and communication, to innovation and to the spirit of enterprise. It will remain so,” Macron said.
Famed U.S. whistleblower Edward Snowden, who is now a Russian citizen, called Durov’s arrest “an assault on the basic human rights of speech and association” in a Twitter post.
“I am surprised and deeply saddened that Macron has descended to the level of taking hostages as a means for gaining access to private communications. It lowers not only France, but the world,” Snowden stated.
Durov’s longform interview with Tucker Carlson can be seen here:
Ep. 94 The social media app Telegram has over 900 million users around the world. Its founder Pavel Durov sat down with us at his offices in Dubai for his first on-camera interview in almost a decade. pic.twitter.com/NEb3KzWOg8
— Tucker Carlson (@TuckerCarlson) April 16, 2024
Big League Politics has reported on the rise of Telegram as a functional alternative to restrictive social media giants:
“Telegram, the encrypted messaging service that allows more freedom of speech on their platform than the tech giants, is the fastest growing app in the world for the year 2021.
According to San Francisco-based data insights company, App Annie, Telegram ranked the highest in the important category of breakout monthly active users, with Instagram and Zoom taking the second and third slots.
In response to the news, Telegram founder Pavel Durov said the year of 2021 “will be remembered as the year when people grew tired of being disrespected by greedy corporations and chose the Telegram’s privacy and consistency.’”
Durov’s unlawful detention shows how much the globalist regime is terrified of free speech and those who use technology to enable its spread. These monsters are quite literally enacting Big Brother, and they are the enemies of mankind.