PC Activist Group Wants John Calhoun Statue Removed

An iconoclastic activist group protested the John C. Calhoun statue in Marion Square in Charleston, South Carolina.

According to WCSC, The Make it Right Project is teaming up with local activists to remove confederate monuments across the nation. This group gained notoriety for successfully removing the Silent Sam memorial in North Carolina.

The Make it Right Project held an event with the Redux Contemporary Art Center that was part of a performance series called Standing/Still. On Thursday, local artists performed in front of the statue, while reciting quotes from Calhoun.

Make it Right Project Director, Kali Holloway, claims that the statue is a symbol of white supremacy.

Holloway said, “Make this a welcoming space for everyone in Charleston which is now a destination city, by taking down a monument to a known slavery and pro-slavery advocate.”

Calhoun was a fierce advocate of states rights and played an integral in the development of America.

A retired professor, Michael S. Kogan, defended Calhoun stating that “He deserves to be honored in this city. The fact that he was a defender of slavery, that’s true. But that does not wipe out the tremendous contributions he made to constitutional government of this country.”

The group is currently working with faith communities to draft a petition to remove the statue and then present it to the city council.

Since the Charleston Church shooting of 2015, a mass movement across the American South has emerged to remove confederate monuments. This is part of a new campaign to strip traditional American communities’ of their history and advance politically correct agendas.


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