Philadelphia Bans Deporting Illegal Aliens to Their Countries of Origin for Medical Care

The Philadelphia City Council recently voted for a bill — 14-1 — that prohibited hospitals in the city from sending illegal alien invaders back to their countries of origin when they require long-term medical care. 

Philadelphia is one of the most prominent sanctuary cities in the nation. 

Per the Philadelphia Inquirer, hospitals that get complaints about the issue will be subject to investigation by municipal agencies:

“Under the new law, patients must give their informed consent to be repatriated after the circumstances have been explained to them orally and in writing — and in a language they understand, if they are not proficient in English.

A hospital must stop efforts toward repatriation if a patient does not consent. Patients who are incompetent cannot consent. The law requires hospitals to explore a patient’s eligibility for emergency health insurance and to produce a written report explaining why removal to another country is appropriate.

Complaints against a hospital will trigger a Health Department investigation.”

John Binder of Breitbart News observed that American taxpayers “subsidize medical care for illegal aliens to the tune of $18.5 billion.” Binder added that “In 2022 alone, Americans footed the bill for more than $316 million in medical care for border crossers and illegal aliens who were detained by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).”

Mass migration is a major cultural and financial burden for the US. With the US so financially overstretched and under so much social tension, the last thing it needs is pro-mass migration reforms that allow for more foreign invaders to come into the country to mooch off of it and bleed it financially dry. 

Now more than ever, immigration restriction is needed to stem this noxious trend.

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