Planned Parenthood Ditches ‘Freedom to F***’ Campaign After BLP Makes it National News

A crude Planned Parenthood campaign will be short-lived after criticism from Big League Politics and other conservative organizations.

“Planned Parenthood of New York City has deleted an obscenity-filled video and website soliciting donations for the express purpose of upholding the “freedom” to have sex with “New York and everyone in it,” reported Life Site News.

Yesterday, Big League Politics reported:

“The abortion factory  family planning organization Planned Parenthood has launched a new campaign encouraging promiscuity among young people.

“‘Freedom to F—’ is meant to speak to a younger generation more empowered than ever and hopefully willing to help,” said Gerard Caputo, COO of the ad company contracted to create the campaign. “It all starts with the courage to do something different and we believe we have already succeeded.”

The campaign even has its own website.

“New Yorkers have more sex than anyone else in America. (Woo! We did it!),” it says. “Planned Parenthood of New York City is here to make sure that everyone has access to the sexual and reproductive health care services they need.”

Planned Parenthood’s warped idea of “family planning” apparently includes having as much sex with as many partners as possible. In fact, they aren’t encouraging families or planning. They are really telling young people that unprotected sex has no consequences, because Planned Parenthood will always be there to bail them out with an abortion in the worst case scenario.

BLP Passage Ends. 

The website for the campaign has been deleted.

Many suspected that the campaign promoting promiscuity was simply a business strategy for Planned Parenthood, which will likely lose taxpayer funding during the Trump administration.

“If anything, powerful entities are subsidizing and preferencing sterile, non-committed, and risky sex through taxpayer and insurance payouts for contraception, abortion, and sexually transmitted diseases,” wrote Georgi Boorman in The Federalist. “Is Planned Parenthood facing cuts to taxpayer money? You bet.”

The shutdown of the vulgar campaign is a small win for pro-life conservatives.

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