POLICE: Black Man Attempted to Kill White Man ‘Because He Was White’

A black man who beat and threw a white man onto subway tracks in Pittsburgh Saturday night did so explicitly because the victim was white, according to police.
“Police say they have charged a man accused of beating up and shoving another man onto the tracks at the Wood Street T Station ‘because he was white,'” according to CBS Pittsburgh.
The suspect, 46-year-old Willie Hayes, faces charges of ethnic intimidation, attempted homicide and aggravated assault. The victim’s criminal complaint says Hayes told him “he was assaulting him because he was white.”
“When officers arrived at the scene they found the victim, identified as Charles Basarab, lying on the T tracks,” the report said. “He was ‘conscious but very disoriented.'”
Security footage of the incident reportedly shows Hayes shoving Basarab onto the tracks, where Basarab hit his head and fell unconscious. He reportedly broke several bones, suffered cuts and bruises, and had to have surgery for internal bleeding.
A SWAT team arrested Hayes at his home Thursday morning.
This story, like many others of black-on-white violence, has gone unreported by national mainstream news outlets.
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