Police Chief Placed on Leave After College Students Discovered He ‘Liked’ President Trump’s Tweets

MA Police Chief Suspended Liking Trump Tweets

A Massachusetts police chief was placed on leave after college students found his Twitter account and discovered that he “liked” tweets made by President Donald J. Trump and the National Rifle Association.

Local media reports that Mount Holyoke and Smith College Police Chief Daniel Hect has been placed on administrative leave after college students complained about Hect’s social media activity.

While no specific posts were mentioned, the college students discovered that Hect had used the “like” feature to show support for tweets made by President Trump and the NRA. 22 News reported that students “were outraged to discover conservative tweets the chief had liked” on the platform.

Mount Holyoke’s President Sonya Stephens buckled to the leftist outrage of her students, and came to the decision to place him on administrative leave due to fears that the chief would be unable “to develop the level of trust required to engage in community policing.”

It is unknown when, or if, the police chief will be allowed to return to his position.

The incident shares similarities with former Google employee James Damore, who was fired from the company after writing a memo the company considered controversial.

In an interview given to Big League Politics during CPAC in 2018, Damore told editor-in-chief Patrick Howley that “Ultimately everyone that has power will try to censor ideas that threaten that power, and I think that’s behind a lot of what we see.”

He added that “A lot of it is just political, where people see ideas that go against their political ideology as offensive, so they try to censor those,” while conservatives do not treat those on the opposite side of the political spectrum with the same level of disrespect.

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