POLL: 41% of New Yorkers Are in Favor of Building a Border Wall

Thanks to a large influx of illegal aliens into New York state, especially New York City, New Yorkers are finally beginning to sour on the Democratic Party’s mass migration agenda. 

Per a recent poll carried out by the Siena College Research Institute, 41% of New York residents are in favor of policies that led to the construction of a border wall at the US’s southern border with Mexico. A similar number of New York residents were in agreement that migrants “take more in resources than they return in economic activity.”

“When it comes to migrants and issues associated with immigration, there is a huge partisan divide,” SCRI Director Don Levy noted,calling attention to how “Democrats overwhelmingly support easier work authorizations and the use of federal properties to house recent migrants,” although, “majorities of Republicans oppose both proposals.”

77% of New York respondents who identified as Republicans support building a wall. By contrast, only 24% of Democrats support the construction of a border wall. In a similar vein, 69% of Republicans believe migrants are a burden to American taxpayers. On the other hand, 24% of Democrats share this view. 

Close to 70% of Republicans view the current migrant influx as the “source of illegal drugs entering our country.” Only 26% of Democrats share this view. Similarly, Republican voters were more likely to believe that individuals attempting to immigrate to the US are “dangerous” and “potentially criminal.”

Indeed, the US is reaching a breaking point when it comes to immigration. The economic upheaval and crime increases that this movement of people has generated is making people across the political spectrum question open borders. 

However, the political class still does not listen to these people due to their globalist capture. It’s going to take a veritable revolution against the globalist ruling class for patriotic immigration reforms to go into effect. 

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