POLL: 52% of Voters Rated Congress Poorly For Its Job Performance

In a recent Rasmussen poll, 52% of likely United States voters believe Congress is doing a poor job. By contrast, only 20% of likely US voters gave Congress a good or excellent rating. 

Most voters don’t believe Congress is doing a good job and, by a 2-to-1 margin, say members of Congress care more about the media than about what voters think.

64% of voters believe the majority of Congress members don’t care about their constituents’ interests. By contrast, only 18% believe most members of Congress care about what their constituents believe. 

Only 22% of voters believe that the average member of Congress is more concerned with their constituents’ interests, while 65% of voters believe Congress members are more concerned with what the corporate media thinks about them.

50% of Democrat voters, 66% of Republican voters, and 69% of independent voters believe that members of Congress don’t care about their constituents’ interests. 

25% of Democrat voters, 19% of Republican voters, and 15% of independent voters gave Congress a good or excellent job rating.

48% of Democrat voters, 47% of Republican voters, and 62% of independent voters gave Congress a poor job performance rating.

17% of white voters, 19% of black voters, and 32% of non-white minorities gave Congress a good or excellent job performance rating. 

55% of white voters, 49% of black voters, and 44% of other non-black minorities gave Congress a poor job rating.

As for income earners, voters making over $100,000 annually are roughly twice as likely as individuals making between $30,000 and $50,000 annually to give Congress an excellent rating.

Congress deserves to be despised given how its members act as a de facto rubber stamp for the ruling class’s agenda. Instead of serving their constituents, members of Congress serve interest groups and detached political actors at Middle Americans’ expense. 

There needs to be regime change in DC if genuine political change is to occur.

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