POLL: 58% of Voters View Biden Border Policy As a Catastrophe

According to a Rasmussen poll, over half of American voters gave President Joe Biden a bad rating on how he has handled immigration matters. Moreover, they agree with House Speaker Mike Johnsons’s claim that Biden’s open border policy has generated a “catastrophe” at the border. 

In early January, Louisiana Congressman Mike Johnson, who succeeded previous House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, declared: “Since his first day in office, President Biden has worked to systematically undermine America’s border security. … The result is a humanitarian and national security catastrophe.”  58% of voters were in agreement with that statement, which includes 44% who strongly agree. 37% of voters disagree with Johnson’s quote, which includes 25% who strongly disagree. An additional 11% are unsure.

50% of voters trust Republican elected officials more to tackle  immigration matters, whereas 38% trust Democrat elected officials  more and 11% are undecided. 88% of Republican voters trust their own party more to handle immigration, and 80% of Democrat voters trust their own party more on the matter. Among independent voters, 54% trust Republican elected officials more and 23% trust Democrats more to take on immigration matters.

53% of Democrat voters gave Biden a good or excellent job rating for the way he has handled issues connected to immigration, just 14% of Republican voters  and 18% of independent voters hold that same opinion. 

79% of Republican voters, 18% of Democrat voters, and 63% of independent voters gave Biden a poor rating on the immigration question.

85% of Republican voters, 42% of Democrat voters, and 59% of independent voters at least somewhat agree with Johnson’s quote regarding Biden’s open borders policy as a “catastrophe” for border security.

 27% of white voters, 38% of black voters and 32% of non-black minorities gave Biden a good or excellent rating on how he has handled immigration. 54% of white voters, 32% of black voters, and 51% of non-black minorities trust Republican elected officials more to handle immigration.

When it comes to income earners, voters making over $200,000 annually are most likely to indicate that they trust Democrats more to deal with immigration.

Overall, the Democrat Party is the Great Replacement party. What’s happening at the southern border is not a matter of sheer incompetence but rather a deliberate public policy used by the ruling class to elect a new people and depress the working class’ wages. This entire process will destroy the Historic American Nation as we know it if it is not checked

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