POLL: 82% of Trump Supporters Don’t See Biden as “Legitimate” President-Elect

A strong majority of Donald Trump supporters reject the legitimacy of Joe Biden as President-elect, with many citing election irregularities and the most pervasive censorship campaign in American history in support of Biden on the part of Big Tech companies.
A poll released Sunday by CBS News reveals that 82% of self-identifying Trump supporters do not recognize Biden as the “legitimate winner of the 2020 election.” 38% of the poll’s total sample rejects the notion that Biden is legitimate.
Polling asking Americans whether the 2020 election was either “over and settled” or “should be contested” broke down in the same fashion.
A slim majority of Donald Trump supporters say he should concede if the electoral college votes to enthrone Joe Biden on Monday.
A majority of Trump supporters favor prioritizing opposition to Biden and the Democratic Party’s far-left agenda over the premise of finding common ground.
CBS’s poll queried 2,200 voters across the country over the past week for the survey.
Thousands of Donald Trump supporters continue to demonstrate throughout the country and in Washington DC for election justice, even as the Supreme Court refuses to grant standing in a lawsuit from the state of Texas challenging illegal election law practices utilized by swing states such as Pennsylvania days before the November 3rd election.
Former New York City Mayor and Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani has pledged to continue litigation efforts to contest outstanding results, even after the Supreme Court refused the Texas lawsuit.
The notion of a bipartisan majority of Americans accepting the results of presidential elections may prove to be a thing of the past. 65% of Democrats indicated that their party did not accept Donald Trump as a legitimate president in 2017, with many at the time citing since-debunked “Russian interference” election conspiracy theories.
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