POLL: 83% of Voters Believe Violent Crime Will be an Important Election Issue

Over two-thirds of US voters believe crime is worsening across the country and they believe the issue will figure prominently in the 2022 midterms.

According to a Rasmussen Reports survey released towards the end of February, 65% of likely US voters believe America’s violent crime in America is worsening. Only 11% believe the crime problem is improving, whereas another 22% indicated that violent crime is about the same.

83% believe the violent crime issue will be important in the 2022 election cycle, which includes 56% who stated that crime will be “very important.” By contrast, just 16% don’t believe violent crime will be an important issue in the 2022 elections. 

50% of voters believe the Biden administration’s approach to dealing with violent crime is worse than the previous Trump administration’s crime policies. On the other hand, 29% believe Biden’s crime policies are superior to Trump’s. 17% believe the crime policies of the Trump and Biden administrations are the same. 

79% of Republicans believe the violent crime in America is worsening. 48% of Democrats share similar views, while 70% of independent voters believe America’s violent crime problem is worsening.

20% of Democrats believe the violent crime issue is improving. By contrast, 7% of Republicans and 4% of independent voters see improvements in America’s violent crime problem. 

30% of Democrats, 24% of independent voters, and 13% of Republicans indicated that they see the violent crime problem staying the same.

66% of Republicans, 52% of Democrats, and 48% independent voters believe that the issue of violent crime will be “very important” in the 2022 midterm elections. 

Crime is back as a major issue in American politics. Unfortunately, this is due to the derelict nature of our ruling class that prefers to virtue signal and create policies that favor criminals. 

Domestic matters like crime are far more important to American voters than what’s going on in Ukraine. Republican candidates must understand heading into election season. This is how they’ll get elected. Similarly, incumbents will be rewarded in future elections if they actually bother to push legislation forward that promotes public order and keeps America’s streets safe.

When people complain about a certain social problem, political leaders must be ready to offer a solution. If not, they will become irrelevant.

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