POLL: 89% of Ivy League Graduate Students Are in Favor Harsh Measures to Ration Electricity, Gas, and Meat To Combat Climate Change

According to a poll conducted by the Committee to Unleash Prosperity, close to 90% of Ivy League graduates are in favor of supporting strict measures to ration electricity, gas, and meat all in the name of allegedly fighting climate change. 

In its poll that surveyed the views of “elites”, the conservative organization found that climate change “is clearly an obsession of the very rich and highly educated.”

“An astonishing 77% of the Elites – including nearly 90% of the Elites who graduated from the top universities – favor rationing of energy, gas, and meat to combat climate change. Among all Americans, 63% oppose this policy,” the organization recounted.

The poll in question was released in January, with the title “Them vs. U.S.: The two Americas and how the nation’s elite is out of touch with average Americans.” 

In this poll, elites are defined as “people having at least one post-graduate degree, earning at least $150,000 annually, and living in high-population density areas (more than 10,000 people per square mile in their zip code).”

An additional important finding was that roughly 60% of “elites” indicated that there is excessive amounts of individual freedom in the US. 

The report is based on two polls of 1,000 elites that were carried out in the fall of 2023.

“The study also examined a sub-sample of elites, adults who attended Ivy League schools or other elite private schools, including Northwestern, Duke, Stanford, and the University of Chicago. Roughly half of those we classify as ‘elites’ attended one of these schools. For the purpose of this study, we label those who attended one of these schools as ‘Ivy League Graduates,’” per the group.

The US clearly has a large segment of elites with wacky views. These people are a product of the education system and social conditioning that indoctrinates them with globalist views. These types of people will be the next generation of businessmen, leaders, and policymakers — a bad scenario if there ever was one. 

It will be up to the Right to create a parallel elite to bring the US back to a path of sanity. If we fail on this front, total fanatics will lead us to our demise. 

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