POLL: Americans Believe the Country’s Education System Provides a Poor Quality of Education
According to a recent poll by Rasmussen Reports, Americans are more likely to describe the nation’s public school quality as “poor” as opposed to rating them as good or excellent. Although, they give higher scores to schools in their local district.
The Rasmussen poll found that 34% of American adults rate public schools’ performance in America as “poor.” This figure is higher than the 30% combined who classify America’s public schools as excellent (8%) or good (22%). The latest findings are similar to Rasmussen surveys conducted back in 2012, which had the “poor” rating for America’s schools hovering from 26% to 36% and the combined “excellent”/ “good” total never going north of 30%.
When Americans were asked about their local public schools’ performance, 44% of Americans rated them as “excellent” (11%) or “good” (33%). Only 18% believe that their public schools are performing poorly.
On partisan grounds, the figures get interesting. 46% of Democrats rated public schools’ performance as excellent or good. By contrast, 23% of Republicans and 20% non-partisan responders ranked public schools as excellent. 42% of Republicans believe that public schools are performing poorly, in addition to 25% of Democrats and 37% of unaffiliated voters.
Americans are rightfully dissatisfied with the present education system. The current model is more focused on indoctrination and advancing leftist tropes. This is how an entire generation of young people gets indoctrinated and turned into foot soldiers for the Left.
Right wing populists should offer a bold education program that drastically overhauls the current public system and gives more breathing room for private schools and homeschooling to operate in. No one should be sending their children to the enemy so that they can get brainwashed and transformed into an automaton for the multicultural blob.