POLL: Close to Two-Thirds of Voters Support Ending Corporate Welfare

According to a poll conducted by Rasmussen and the Woodford Foundation, 64% of likely United States voters are in favor of ending “corporate welfare,” and believe that the government should not dole out welfare to businesses. Just 20% are in disagreement, whereas an additional 16% are unsure. 

63% of Republican voters support ending “corporate welfare,” in addition to 64% of both Democrat and independent voters. 

57% of voters also agree that taxes and government spending should be slashed by 50% or more. 31% were in disagreement and 12% are unsure. 72% of Republican voters, 46% of Democrat voters, and 54% of independent voters are in favor of such fiscal proposals.

When it comes to taming defense spending, 54% of Democrat voters agree that Defense Department spending must be kept at 4% of Gross Domestic Product. Only 22% of Democrat voters disagree with this move, while 24% are unsure.

59% of Republican voters, 51% of  both Democrat and independent voters are in favor of this spending proposal. 

This same poll found that 46% of voters believe Obamacare should be repealed, whereas 42% are in disagreement and 12% are unsure. 

Curiously, 52% of voters are of the view that the government play a much less active role in economic affairs and should let people sort things out among themselves on a voluntary basis. By contrast, 35% are in disagreement and 12% are unsure. 

72% of Republican voters, 39% of Democrat voters, and 47% of independent voters share this same view. 

44% of voters believe that people should have the ability to have their own retirement program and Social Security should be privatized. On the other hand, 41% disagree and 15% are unsure. Privatizing Social Security is a concept that’s most popular among voters below the age of 50. 

Just 24% believe that Health Savings Accounts should replace Medicare and Medicaid. By contrast, 58% disagree with this concept..

There’s clearly a transpartisan desire to end corporate welfare. It’s one of the most insidious policies that needs to be scrapped. Corporate welfare demonstrates how the current political system serves the ruling class as opposed to Middle America.

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