POLL: Increasing Numbers of Voters Believe the United States is Doomed

A Rasmussen poll revealed that a large portion of voters believe the United States is doomed if their presidential candidate of choice loses in 2024. 

Per the poll, 40% of likely US voters agree with the statement, “Joe Biden must be re-elected president next year, or the United States is doomed,” which includes 25% who strongly agree. 53% are in disagreement, which includes 43% who strongly disagree.

45% agree with the statement, “Donald Trump must be re-elected president next year or the United States is doomed,” which includes 26% who strongly agree. 53% disagree, which includes 44% who strongly disagree.

67% of Democrat voters at least somewhat agree that America is doomed should Biden not be re-elected in 2024. By contrast,  61% of Republicans at least somewhat agree that the US is doomed if Trump doesn’t win in 2024. 45% of independent voters at least somewhat agree the US is doomed if Trump doesn’t win, compared to 25% who share the same sentiment about Biden.

24%of voters strongly disagree with both the Biden doomsday and Trump doomsday statements.

40% of both white and black voters, and 41% of other non-black minorities at least somewhat agree with the statement “Joe Biden must be re-elected president next year, or the United States is doomed.” 44% of white voters and 40% of black voters and other non-black minorities at least somewhat agree with the statement, “Donald Trump must be re-elected president next year or the United States is doomed.”

55% of government employees at least somewhat agree with the Biden doomsday statement. By contrast, 33% of private sector workers and retirees agree with this sentiment.

When it comes to income earners, 66% of individuals  making over $200,000 annually at least somewhat agree with the statement, “Joe Biden must be re-elected president next year, or the United States is doomed.” Lower income voters are more likely to agree with the Trump doomsday statement.

Indeed, American politics has become a high-stakes affair where both sides believe they are engaged in an existential struggle. Such political dynamics do not augur well for the US’s overall political stability. A stable polity is one marked by homogeneity and consensus. Ones marked by diversity and polarization are destined for perpetual turmoil.

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