POLL: Independent Voters Trust the GOP More on Ethical and Social Security Issues 

The American voting public is sharply divided over the party they trust on basic political matters. Per a Rasmussen poll, Republicans hold an advantage among independent voters. 

42% of likely United States voters trust Republicans more to manage Social Security issues, while 41% likely voters more and 17% are unsure. 

In a similar vein, when asked which party they have more trust in tackling corruption and government ethics, 44% said Democrats and another 44% said they have more trust in Republicans. An additional12% indicated that they are undecided.

When it comes to government ethics and corruption, 81% of Democrats have more trust in their party, whereas 76% of Republicans trust their party more. Among independent voters, 41% have more trust in Republicans more and 27% trust Democrats more to take on government ethics and corruption issues, while 32% are unsure.

Similarly, on Social Security issues, 84% of Democrats trust their party more, whereas 78% of Republicans have more trust in their party. Among independent voters, 45% trust Republicans more and 31% trust Democrats more to confront the issues of government ethics and corruption. By contrast,  23% are unsure.

As for racial views,  48% of white, 23% of black and 32% of other non-black minorities trust Republicans more to take on corruption and government ethics issues, whereas 38% of white, 61% of black, and 40% of other non-white minorities trust Democrats more on these issues.

47% of white, 33% of black and 42% of other non-black minorities trust Republicans more to manage Social Security issues. By contrast, 42% of white, 55% of black, and 40% of other non-black minorities trust Democrats more on handling social issues.

When it comes to income earners, Democrats enjoy their highest level of trust with regards to ethics and Social Security among voters making between $100,000 and $200,000 annually.

In all honesty, both parties can’t be trusted on key issues in American politics ranging from mass migration to foreign policy. The reality is that the US has a uniparty in DC that features cosmetic differences but when it comes to public policy there’s hardly any difference between the two parties. 

If Republican voters want to see a GOP that actually upholds grassroots values, they must support nationalist candidates in the primaries in order to purge the GOP of out-of-touch, establishment types. The current crop of GOP leaders are simply not capable of managing the country’s affairs in a way that advances the country’s interests. 

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