POLL: Majority of Americans Are Against Chinese-Owned Electric Car Plants in the United States

According to a poll published by McLaughlin & Associates, the majority of Americans are against using taxpayer dollars to fund Chinese-owned electric vehicle plants in the United States.

Specifically, 56% said state governments “should not invest taxpayer dollars to help with the transition to DEVs, because working with countries like China is not worth jeopardizing national security and other American auto manufacturing jobs,” while fewer than 30% of voters indicated states should invest in Chinese-owned EV plants.

Around 17% of voters stated they are unsure about this issue.

Those who indicated state governments should not invest taxpayer money into Chinese-owned EV plants which includes 74% of Republicans voters, 40% of Democrat voters, 54% of swing voters, 61% of white American voters, 51% of black Americans, and close to 40% of Hispanic American voters.

The poll comes on the heels of a grassroots campaign of voters in Michigan successfully voting out 6 Republican politicians who supported Governor Gretchen Whitmer’s plan to construct a Chinese-owned EV battery plant in their community.

“This recall shows how the community did not want this,” local activist Lori Brock said to the Detroit News. “This just means we have a voice again. We may be small, but we are powerful.”

Electric vehicles are just the latest fad the ruling class has obsessed about. Gas-powered vehicles are simply more efficient and reliable than EVs, which often require massive government subsidization to stay afloat.

As always, free markets should ultimately determine what kind of vehicles should be put on the market. If the market can’t bring EVs to the market in a cost-effective manner, these vehicles should simply not be subsidized.

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