POLL: Majority of Americans Believe Non-Citizens Are Illegally Allowed to Vote In Elections

According to a poll carried out by Rasmussen, 55% of likely United States Voters believe it is likely that non-citizens are unlawfully registered to vote in the state where they reside, which includes 32% who indicated it’s very likely. 37% don’t believe it’s likely there are non-citizens registered to vote in their respective state, which includes 14% who consider it an unlikely prospect. 

To address the growing problem of illegal aliens potentially voting in elections, 78% of voters would back their state government carrying out an audit of voter registration and taking out all non-citizens from the rolls,which includes 56% who strongly support such audits. Just 17% are opposed to auditing voter registration and taking non-citizens out of the rolls. 

Several cities such as Washington, DC have let non-citizens vote in local elections. 85% of voters believe that only US citizens should have the right to vote in US elections. Only 11% of voters are in disagreement with this perspective. 

Among voters who believe it is very likely that non-citizens are unlawfully registered to vote in their respective state, 85% would strongly support their state government conducting an audit of voter registration and kicking all non-citizens off the rolls.

87% of Republican voters, 81% of Democrat voters, and 86% of independent voters believe that only US citizens should be allowed to vote in American elections. 

69% of Republican voters, 41% of Democrats voters, and 57% of independent voters believe it’s at least somewhat likely that non-citizens are unlawfully registered to vote in their respective state. 86% of Republican voters, 66% of Democrat voters, and 83% of independent voters would back their state government carrying out an audit of voter registration and taking all non-citizens off the rolls.

As far as race is concerned, 88% of white voters, 82% of black voters, 73% of Hispanic voters, and 79% of other non-black minorities are of the view that only US citizens should be allowed to vote in American elections. Hispanics are most likely to believe that non-citizens are unlawfully registered to vote in their respective state.

Elections in the US are a mess. This problem only becomes worse with immigration now in the picture. If the Right does not get elections in the US secured in addition to restricting immigration, Democrats will become a uniparty in no time. 

That’s what is at stake in American politics in 2024 and beyond. 

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