POLL: Majority of Democrats are Scared of a Second COVID Outbreak

A recent Rasmussen poll found that 54% of American Adults are worried that there will be another COVID-19 pandemic, which includes 21% who are very concerned. 42% aren’t concerned about another Wuhan virus outbreak, which includes 19% who are not concerned at all.
77% of Democrat voters are worried there may be another Wuhan virus pandemic outbreak, compared to 42% of Republican voters and 46% of independent voters.
52% of American voters would support a policy of forcing people to wear masks in public to prevent the spread of the Wuhan virus, which includes 29% who would strongly be in favor of a mask mandate. 42% are against requiring masks to halt the spread of the Wuhan virus, which includes 28% who strongly oppose such a policy.
76% of Democrat voters support a mask mandate, compared to 33% of Republican voters and 45% of independent voters.
68% of Democrat voters indicated that they would be willing to obtain a Wuhan virus vaccine booster, while most 61% of Republican voters would not be willing to receive the vaccine. Among independent voters, 49% would not be willing to receive the Wuhan virus booster, while 36% would receive the vaccine, and 15% are unsure.
51% of white voters, 67% of black voters, and 55% of non-black minorities are at least somewhat concerned that there may be another Wuhan pandemic outbreak. Blacks are more likely to support requiring people to wear masks in public to prevent spread of the virus.
61% of government workers and 45% of private sector workers support the policy of forcing people to wear masks in public to halt the spread of the Wuhan virus.
The Wuhan virus, especially the government’s response to this pandemic showcased the ruling class’s intentions. The shutdowns, social distancing standards, and efforts to vaccinate large swathes of the population led to the largest consolidation of corporate and political power in recent memory.
There’s still a lot of work to be done in terms of getting people to distrust the DC swamp’s agenda. We need to continue putting pressure on elected officials to ensure that such tyranny does not rear its ugly head again.
We cannot afford to have the DC ruling class impose another massive power grab.