POLL: Majority of Voters Believe a War in the Middle East is Right Around the Corner

A recent Rasmussen poll found that 58% of likely United States voters believe it is likely that the US will get tangled up in a war in the Middle East in the upcoming years, which includes 23% who believe such a war is very likely.  33% don’t believe the US is likely to fight a Middle Eastern war in the upcoming years.

Only 44% of voters believe it’s likely the US will get mired in a war with China in the next few years, which includes 16% who indicated that such a war is very likely. In contrast, 47% of voters view war with China as unlikely, which includes 14% who believe it’s unlikely. Only 31% of Democrat voters believe it’s at least somewhat likely the US will become involved in a war with China in the upcoming years, whereas 55% of Republican voters view such a scenario as likely, in addition to 46% of independent voters.

44% of Democrat voters and 47% of both Republican voters and independent voters view a US war with Russia at least somewhat likely.

52% of Democrat voters, 68% of Republican voters, and 54% of independent voters believe it’s at least somewhat likely that the US will become involved in a war in the Middle East in the next few years.

58% of both white voters and black voters, and 56% of other non-black minorities view US involvement in a Middle East war as at least somewhat likely in the next few years.

When it comes to income categories, voters making over $200,000 annually are least likely to believe the US will be involved in a Middle Eastern war.

Voters have every reason to be paranoid given the ruling class’s proclivity to get into war these days. 

The lunatics in DC are effectively gearing up for a geopolitical struggle against the China, Iran, and Russia axis. Talk about an exercise in foreign policy insanity.

Hopefully, this class of foreign policy parasites gets removed from power ASAP. Only the America First contingent of Republicans is capable of doing that. Let’s hope they can pull off the unthinkable.

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