POLL: Majority of Voters Wanted Border Security Included in Budget Deal

Although the government did not end up shutting down, a good portion of  voters (40%) would have preferred to have Congress avoid a partial government shutdown by giving the green light to a higher level of government spending according to a recent Rasmussen poll

48% of voters  supported a partial government shutdown until Democrats and Republicans reach an agreement to either slash spending or maintain it at its current level, and 12% are unsure.

70% of Republican voters, 24% of Democrat voters, and 52% of independent voters would have preferred a partial government shutdown, whereas 62% of Democrat voters, 22% of Republican voters, and 35% of independent voters would avoid a shutdown by giving the green light for  higher spending.

80% of Republican voters, 50% of Democrat voters, and 61% of independent voters are at least somewhat in favor of including border security in the spending bill.

49% of white voters, 32% of black voters, and 38% of non-black minorities strongly support including border security in the spending bill. 

78% of self-identified liberal voters would prefer to have Congress avoid a partial government shutdown by approving government spending at a higher level, whereas 71% of conservative voters would be in favor of a government shutdown instead. 

Among voters who strongly support tacking on border security in the spending bill, 70% would be in favor of a government shutdown instead of higher spending.

When it comes to income earners, voters making between $30,000 and $50,000 annually are the most fervent backers of including border security in the spending bill.

The American ruling class does not care about the will of voters. It’s more concerned with supporting special interest groups at the expense of the Historic American Nation. To reach a point where the interests of Core Americans are respected, we must have America First nationalists in complete control of the federal government. No questions asked.

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