POLL: Majority Voters Still Believe Traditional Values Matter

According to a recent Rasmussen poll, 79% of likely United States voters indicated that it’s at least somewhat important for schools to give lessons about the traditional values of Western civilization, which includes 53% who say it’s very important to do so.
Only 28% of voters believe the majority of public schools do a good job of imparting the traditional values of Western civilization on their students. 50% of voters disagree and do not believe schools do a good job. Another 22% are unsure.
Among voters who indicated that it is very important to teach traditional Western values, 69% don’t believe most schools do a good job spreading those values.
Only 31% of voters gave public schools in America a good or excellent performance rating. 30% of voters gave public schools a fair rating, whereas 35% rated them as doing a poor job.
Although 47% of Democrat voters rated public schools as doing a good or excellent job, only 20% of Republican voters and 25% independent voters share this view.
89% of Republican voters, 72% of Democrat voters, and 77% of independent voters believe it is at least somewhat important for schools to teach about the traditional values of Western civilization.
70% of Republican voters and 53% of independent voters don’t believe most public schools do a good job of teaching about Western civilization. This view is only held by 30% of Democrat voters.
30% of white voters, 31% of black voters, and 37% of non-black minorities gave public schools a good or excellent job rating on this question. 78% of white voters, 84% of black voters, and 80% of non-black minorities view the teaching of Western values as important.
As far as income categories are concerned, 53% of voters making over $200,000 annually rate public schools’ performance as good or excellent. However, only 25% of voters making between $30,000 and $50,000 annually agree. Lower income voters are the most likely to believe it is very important for schools to teach about Western civilization and its traditional values.
Indeed, public schools have become incredibly degraded in the US. If we’re being honest, they only serve to rot the minds of the youth by filling their heads with all manner of leftist garbage. Teaching about the values of Western civilization will be the last thing these institutions will bother to talk about.
At this juncture, the Right must launch programs to purge public schools of leftist administrators and faculty, while also creating a more competitive education system to ensure that the youth receive quality education.
Because let’s be honest here. The current education system is simply not going to cut it.