POLL: More Voters Are Losing Trust in The Media’s Coverage Of Key Issues

Inflation and illegal immigration remain the leading issues voters view as the most important in this current presidential election cycle. However, many voters believe the corporate media has dropped the ball in covering those issues.

According to a Rasmussen poll, 32% of likely United States voters stated inflation will be the most important issue in the 2024 presidential election cycle. 23% believe illegal immigration is the most important issue, whereas 18% believe the top priority is abortion rights. Other issues are in the single digits in terms of their importance – “violent crime (7%), climate change (6%), the war in Ukraine (5%), the Israel-Palestinian conflict (4%) and student loan debt (2%)” as Rasmussen reported.

Just 28% of voters gave the corporate media a good or excellent job in terms of covering the key issues of the election cycle, whereas 46% gave the media a poor rating.

Former President Donald Trump stated back in 2019 that the corporate media are “truly the enemy of the people.” 53% of voters agree with the Trump quote, which includes 27% who strongly agree. 39% are in disagreement, which includes 23% who strongly disagree. 

56% of Democrat voters are in disagreement with Trump’s “enemy of the people” quote about the corporate media, 76% of Republican voters are in agreement, in addition to 52% of independent voters.

42% of Democrat voters gave the corporate media good or excellent  ratings for their coverage of the most critical political issues. But only 16% of Republican voters and 23% of independent voters hold that opinion. 67% of Republican voters and 48% of independent voters rate the corporate media as doing poorly in terms of covering the most important issues, in addition to 24% of Democrat voters.

Partísan affiliation plays a big role in how people rated the importance of certain issues.  36% of Republican voters, 26% of Democrat voters and 33% of independent voters said inflation is the most critical issue. 37% of Republican voters and 24% of independent voters view illegal immigration as the leading issue, but only 7% of Democrat voters hold that view. By contrast, 33% of Democrat voters and 17% of independent voters rate abortion rights as the most important issue, while 4% of Republican voters hold that opinion.

For voters who view illegal immigration as the most critical issue in the 2024 presidential election, 83% gave the corporate media a poor rating. Among those who view abortion rights as the leading issue, that said, only 14% rate the corporate media’s coverage as poor, while 44% gave the corporate media a good or excellent rating.

53% of white voters, 21% of black voters, 36% of Hispanic voters, and 42% of other non-white minorities rate the corporate media poorly for the job it has done in terms of covering the most critical issues. 

The corporate media is the enemy of the people. Thankfully, the rise of alternative media has made these otherwise primitive media outlets obsolete. In time, the truth wins and those who disseminate lies end up becoming irrelevant.

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