POLL: Over 60% of Migrants in New York City Rely On Taxpayer-Subsidized Housing

Over 60% of migrants, both illegal alien invaders and border crossers, arriving in New York City since the spring of 2022 are living in taxpayer subsidized housing and shelter, which includes luxury hotels.

Throughout his term, New York City Mayor Eric Adams has  vastly increased New York City’s shelter system to accommodate roughly 80,000 migrants who have arrived in NYC. 

Since Adams assumed the position of mayor, the number of border crossers and illegal aliens being accommodated in shelters has increased by over 110%. Many pundits argued that the growth in the shelter system is one of the most notable developments during Adams’ time in office. In their view, it’s also unsustainable growth. One of the most significant accommodation projects that Adams has presided over is the use of the Roosevelt Hotel, which closed in 2020, but was reopened to serve as one of several migrant hotels across the city. 

To afford Adams’ migrant hotels scheme, he said New Yorkers will see public services like meals for senior citizens and library hours cut.

According to John Binder of Breitbart News, the average New York taxpayer is paying $256 daily to provide free hotel rooms to each migrant family. For comparison, such a figure is much higher than what the city pays, $136 to $188, to provide housing for the homeless in New York.

The bulk of border crossers and illegal alien invaders that ended up in New York City were let loose into the US interior by the Biden regime under the cover of eventually filing asylum claims.

City officials, however, have conceded that in June “very few” migrants in New York City have filed asylum applications , which has spurred the recruitment of private lawyers to assist them with filling out the paperwork.

NYC is a post-N\national jurisdiction through and through. Its political class cares about serving the interests of foreigners as opposed to that of domestic residents. NYC’s experience should serve as a warning to other right-wingers about the dangers of multiculturalism.

If we can’t get our city governments in check, all sorts of trouble will break loose.

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