Pope Francis Officially Gives Thumbs Up for Gay Men to Become Priests in Catholic Church

Pope Francis has officially declared that it is okay for gay men to become priests in the Catholic Church, as long as they remain celibate.
This comes in opposition to a instruction released by the Vatican in 2016 that barred men with “deep-seated homosexual tendencies” from serving as priests.
“When referring to homosexual tendencies in the formation process, it is also appropriate not to reduce the discernment to this aspect alone, but … to understand its meaning within the whole framework of the young person’s personality,” the new Vatican guidelines say.
Big League Politics has reported on Pope Francis’ long crusade to mainstream the LGBT agenda within the Catholic Church:
“Newark archbishop Cardinal Joseph Tobin, whose pro-LGBT views put him at odds with the Bible, has been appointed as a member of the Congregation for Catholic Education by globalist Pope Francis.
Tobin, who serves as an Archbishop in Newark, N.J., once claimed on national TV that Biblical teachings on gay marriage were “disordered” and “unfortunate” because of the use of “hurtful” language. He wants to get away from the Bible and conform to modern cultural standards, making him the perfect choice for Pope Francis for this position.
“The Church, I think, is having its own conversation about what our faith has us do and say with people in relationships that are same-sex. What should be without debate is that we are called to welcome them,” Tobin said while appearing on NBC’s Today Show.
His words are in direct contradiction to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, which prohibits any tolerance for homosexual acts by stating the following:
“They are contrary to the natural law. They close the sexual act to the gift of life. They do not proceed from a genuine affective and sexual complementarity. Under no circumstances can they be approved.”
Tobin has opened the doors for homosexuals to the Cathedral-Basilica of the Sacred Heart for a blasphemous “LGBT Pilgrimage” where the sinful lives of these individuals were honored on Church grounds. This man will now help implement directives for schools, institutes, colleges, and universities under the auspices of the Catholic Church.
Tobin has also authorized the “2nd Annual Pride Mass in Support of Our LGBTQ Brothers and Sisters” at the Our Lady of Grace in Hoboken church scheduled to take place on June 30. The attendees will be encouraged to attend a pride march, alongside scantily-clad men in leather bondage attire and abused transgender children, after the mass concludes.
He is also rumored to be a homosexual himself. Tobin wrote in a bizarre Tweet last year: “Nighty-night, baby. I love you.” Tobin later deleted the post and claimed it was meant for his sister. It is speculated that Tobin once lived with a young Italian male actor in his residence, who may have been the actual recipient of the Twitter love note.”
Pope Francis, an avid Marxist, is on a crusade to destroy the Catholic Church. He has been one of the most anti-Christian Popes in history.