Pope Francis Parties with Transgender Prostitutes in the Vatican to Commemorate ‘World Day of the Poor’

Pope Francis partied with transgender prostitutes in the Vatican this weekend as he commemorated the World Day for the Poor.

An Associated Press article noted that these tranny hookers are regular attendees of the Vatican as the heretic Marxist Pope works to mainstream their corrosive degenerate lifestyle among the public:

“Before, the church was closed to us. They didn’t see us as normal people, they saw us as the devil,” said Andrea Paola Torres Lopez, a transgender “woman” from Colombia who uses the alias Consuelo. “Then Pope Francis arrived and the doors of the church opened for us.”

“This norm from Pope Francis brings me closer to finding that absolute serenity,” Carla Segovia, a 46-year-old transgender prostitute from Argentina.

Big League Politics has reported on Pope Francis’ war to crush conservative Catholics while enabling sin to run wild within the church:

A popular Texas Bishop has been removed from his post by the Catholic Church for being outspoken against the leftist direction of the church under the stewardship of Pope Francis.

Bishop Joseph Strickland, who led the diocese at Tyler, Texas, was removed from his position on Nov. 11. He had previously been under investigation over social media posts that slammed Pope Francis.

“The blasphemy is that this holy priest is canceled while an evil president promotes the denial of truth and the murder of the unborn at every turn, Vatican officials promote immorality and denial of the deposit of faith and priests promote gender confusion devastating lives…evil,” Strickland wrote in a Twitter post after anti-abortion activist and former priest Frank Pavone was defrocked last year.

Bishop Strickland had been undeniably successful in Tyler Texas. According to the National Catholic Register, 21 men are being trained to be priest in an area of 119,168 Catholics and the diocese is expected to match 99 percent of its 2.3 million fundraising goal six months ahead of the plans.

Despite growing the church and inspiring Catholics, Strickland is being punished because of his unwillingness to bow to the Francis regime where the truth of Christ is replaced with the false idol of globalism…

Recent news that Pope Francis is mainstreaming transgenders in the Catholic Church shows that this man is a heretic and an antichrist. He is one of the many demonic architects of the New World Order.”

The Pope is rapidly transforming the church into Satan’s realm. Francis shielded pedophile priests and now he is paving the way toward mainstreaming the drugging and mutilating children for the transgender delusion. He may be the antichrist.

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