Populist Leader Matteo Salvini Urges Peaceful Revolution in Italy Following Globalist-Led Ouster
The leader of Italy’s League Party, Matteo Salvini, was recently ousted from his position as the nation’s Interior Minister after the Five Star Movement betrayed him and allied with the globalist establishment last month.
But the anti-migrant, pro-nationalist leader is down but not out. A massive rally was held in Salvini’s honor on Sunday where he vowed that he “will never give up” on his fight against European Union (EU) globalists.
Salvini in Pontida:
They want slaves. They shall have rebels. We will soon be back in the government!#Pontida19 #Salvini #goSalvinigo #primagliitaliani pic.twitter.com/dcevDEmPxI
— Robert Kearney (@Robkearney1981) September 15, 2019
Salvini told the “traitors” in the new government that he would come for his rightful spot at he helm of the nation the before long.
“Those who thought that I would be worn out and need a break, I give my word of honor, I will work even more than before,” he told the audience.
“I won’t give up because our country deserves everything. I’d rather concede seven ministry posts to traitors now, that we will win back with interest and transparency in a few months,” Salvini added.
The League estimated that 80,000 supporters rallied on behalf of their leader in Pontida, which has significance to the nationalist League Party because it was the site where medieval leaders took a legendary oath to repel a foreign emperor.
Salvini’s supporters were emboldened by the rally where their leader called for a peaceful and democratic revolution in Italy against the coup attempt that drove him from power.
“I like Salvini because he is the only one that fights the idea of a European Union, which I do not support, because I believe the European bureaucrats do not do Italy any good,” said Luca Carminati, a laborer fears his job will be lost due to massive taxation and regulation imposed by globalist bureaucrats.
“Salvini fights that idea. He is trying to give value to the Italian people again,” Carminati added.
A new coalition between the Five Star Movement and the establishment socialists of the Democratic Party rules over Italy for the time being. A recent survey published by the il Sole 24 Ore newspaper reports that 55 percent of Italians disapprove of the new coalition, while Salvini’s party remains the most popular in the country with 34 percent of support of Italians.
The new leadership is already beginning to reverse Salvini’s policies, as they recently let a ship trafficking 82 migrants touch down on Italian shores. The refugee resettlement industry, which is notoriously corrupt and funded by bribes, can sense that Italy is once again open for business now that Salvini has been unjustly removed from power.
Salvini believes a people’s referendum is in order if the new coalition reverses his law preventing these types of landings from taking place in Italy.
“If they touch our security decree, then we won’t raise 500,000 signatures, but rather five million to defend the sacred borders of our nation,” Salvini said.
While Salvini may have suffered a set-back with his ouster from the Italian government, the populist leader’s political career is far from over as he continues his mission to restore national sovereignty for his countrymen.