Pornhub Tweets, Deletes Image Marketing Porn To Children

Earlier this month, Pornhub’s official twitter account posted an image, which now appears to have been removed, of a meme that suggested marketing porn to children.
As shown below, the meme, tweeted on December 5, depicts the character “baby Yoda” from the Star Wars-themed show “The Mandalorian.” The character is that of an alien child resembling Yoda. The image which Pornhub’s official account tweeted shows the Pornhub logo reflected in his eyes with the caption “10 seconds after my parents leave the house.”
It is difficult to interpret the tweet as anything other than an explicit attempt at marketing pornography to young children, a possibility that should sicken and anger not just parents but every decent person.
Despite modern libertine and progressive propaganda, science and research consistently show porn to have considerable negative personal, physical, psychological, and social health impacts. While debate continues, there are strong arguments that it can qualify as an addiction, which alters the brain and can cripple proper social and sexual functioning.
Studies have found that porn use desensitizes individuals to sexual violence, and makes men more likely to commit or ignore it. Use by a partner is correlated with significantly decreased relationship quality and emotional health for women.
On the subject of violence, a content analysis of most popular adult films found that it was present 88% of the time, and 94% of the time was directed against women.
Given these sobering facts, it is all the more shocking and tragic that researchers now believe the average age of first encountering porn is 11, and there are estimates that at least 90% of men and 60% of women under 18 have viewed it.
However, not only is the industry having a destructive effect on the youth, it is also thoroughly rife with exploitation and inextricably linked with human trafficking. Performers, who operate in an industry with little concern for safe sexual practices, are very often coerced and threatened, if not outright raped, and pushed into drug addiction and substance abuse.
An example was recently provided by a civil lawsuit against the owner of “Girls Do Porn,” who was accused by 22 women of having fraudulently coerced them into performing in porn which ruined their lives. One young woman has described how she was lied to and exploited by the company, and the emotional trauma she has experienced as a result of the aftermath, in a powerful testimonial that is worth reading.
All of this is the legacy of companies like Pornhub, who, as demonstrated by the tweet, revel in pushing destructive moral filth onto children and adults alike, no matter the scale of the human cost. This scourge should be both personally resisted and publicly regulated out of existence.