President Biden Apologizes to Fox News Reporter He Called “Stupid Son of a B****” in Phone Call

President Joe Biden has apologized to a Fox News reporter he called a “stupid son of a b***” in response to a question addressing his administration’s policies pertaining to inflation and their political ramifications.

The President had assumed his microphone was off when speaking about Peter Doocy, who asked Biden the question following a meeting of the White House’s Competition Council.

CNN’s Kaitlin Collins reported that the President called Doocy personally following the embarrassing gaffe, delivering an apology to one of the only journalists in the White House press pool who has shown a willingness to ask questions critical of Biden’s policies and governance.

This kind of gaffe is seemingly unprecedented for a President, with previous executives possessing the tact to realize when the microphone right in front of them is on or off.

Biden has previously gotten gruff with Doocy for questioning him in regards to Hunter Biden’s latest bastard child with a stripper, his derelict abandonment of US border security, and other unpopular policies imposed on the public by the Democrat president.

The apology is fair enough, but the event itself speaks in volume about the manner in which the 79-year old Democrat president speaks about the political opposition and legitimate journalists who cover his agenda critically.

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