President Donald Trump Pledges to “Fully Defund” Planned Parenthood If Reelected

President Trump is pledging to fully defund abortion giant Planned Parenthood during his tentative second term in office, making a pledge in a letter to the Pro-Life Voices for Trump coalition. In the letter, the President also touts the pro-life accomplishments of his administration.

The President breaks down how he’s “proudly governed as the most pro-life president in our nation’s history.

The President touts his administration’s appointment of hundreds of pro-life judges, partial defunding of the abortion industry including Planned Parenthood, the barring of federal medical research facilities from using materials obtained from the bodies of aborted children, and the defense of personal conscience rights of physicians, medical personnel, and other professionals. Congressional Democrats have largely blocked a full defunding of Planned Parenthood, which continues to perform more abortions than any other organization in the country.

The President also touts his support for the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, which would ban most late-term abortions.

Joe Biden, who is largely running for President on the basis of his supposedly impeccable and virtuous character, has supported total and unlimited legalization of abortion throughout his entire political career. The nominal Catholic went so far as to quote Pope St. John Paul II in a recent campaign ad, a nod to Catholic voters, all while silently disregarding his commitment to abortion on demand.

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