President of Brazil Believes Joe Biden Is Too Old To Remain US President

After the 2024 presidential debate on June 27, 2024, it has become clear to many people that sitting President Joe Biden is mentally unfit to carry out the herculean tasks associated with the United States presidency. 

Even ostensive allies of the Biden regime on the world stage, such as Brazilian President Luiz Inacio “Lula” da Silva, believe Biden’s mental faculties have deteriorated to the point where he can’t faithfully carry out the role of US president. Lula is seen as one of Biden’s strongest allies in the Western Hemisphere who is willing to play ball on several issues that neoliberal interventionists champion — cracking down on hate speech, LGBT degeneracy, radical environmentalism, and anti-white politics. 

“I think Biden has a problem,” Lula said to a local radio station. “He’s moving more slowly, he is taking longer to answer questions. The US elections are very important for all the world.”

Lula served as president from 2003 to 2011 and was re-elected in 2023. His sentiments are also shared by European political leaders, especially those in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), who are fearful that Biden’s mental decline could harm his re-election prospects against former President Donald Trump in November. 

The general fear in the Collective West is that if Trump comes back into power he will scrap the Ukraine proxy war project against Russia and potentially reduce the US’s involvement in NATO. 

Now there are rumors of Vice President Kamala Harris and even other outside candidates such as Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer and California Governor as potential replacements for Biden. From a public policy and mental capacity perspective, Joe Biden is clearly not fit to remain in office. 

In an ideal world, Biden would be relieved of the burden holding higher office and replaced with a proper America First nationalist who will secure the US’s southern border with Mexico and keep foreign policy largely restrained.

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