President Trump Confirms Support of Republican Party, Slams Biden’s Open Borders in Wide-Ranging CPAC Speech

President Donald Trump refuted reports that he plans to start a new political party in a wide-ranging CPAC speech, going on to deliver a thorough criticism of his successor’s “America Last” approach to governance.

Trump pointed to the notion of creating a “Patriot Party” as a “stupid idea,” arguing that it would divide the votes of nationalists, conservatives and America First patriots who support his political movement. He confirmed that he intends to lead the Republican Party, and that only the GOP could effectively stand up to Biden’s liberal-globalist establishment vision.

Trump pointed to Biden’s disastrous first month in office as the worst for an American president history, citing the establishment Democrat’s dismantling of US borders and immigration system, destruction of the energy industry, and mishandling of the coronavirus pandemic and vaccine delivery program.

Trump focused more on Joe Biden’s open borders immigration policies than any other speaker at CPAC, recounting how Biden had dismantled much of his own America First policy reforms in his first month in office. Biden has terminated wall construction, administratively abolished ICE, opened the asylum system to economic migrants, and endangered American communities at a moment in which incoming ‘caravans’ of illegal aliens pose a potent threat to deliver the coronavirus.

The 45th President suggested he might run for the office again in 2024, potentially becoming the first president since Grover Cleveland to serve non-consecutive terms in the White House.

The former President summarized many of his policy accomplishments while in office, contrasting them with the Biden approach. Among the points Trump touched on include the reopening of schools(delayed by Biden), his dealings with Iran.

With support for President Trump’s political movement as potent as ever, it remains certain he’ll remain the de facto leader of the Republican Party in the years to come. Polling conducted at CPAC reveals that Trump easily leads polling for a 2024 Republican primary should be run again, with Florida Governor Ron DeSantis leading with a plurality in the event the 45th President decides not to run again.

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