President Trump Promises Deportation Raids After Fourth of July

President Donald Trump promised in the Oval Office that mass deportation of illegal aliens will begin after his Salute to America in Washington, D.C. on the Fourth of July, where battle tanks will be present.

“After July 4, a lot of people are going to be brought back out,” Trump stated as he inked his signature on the Republican — not Nancy Pelosi’s — version of a border funding bill.

Trump promised on Twitter that ICE would begin deporting the illegal immigrants who have invaded our country, then he delayed the raids by two weeks after yet another predictable Trump administration press leak to undermine the president’s policies.

Rush Limbaugh has always maintained that Trump still intends to deport the illegals, even as members of Trump’s base criticized the president. Based on Trump’s statement in the Oval Office, it appears that Rush is right as usual.

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