Pro-Amnesty ‘Republican’ Eyed for McCain’s Vacant Senate Seat

U.S. Senate Republican candidate Jeff Flake (L) and U.S. Senator John Mccain (R) listen to U.S. Senator Jon Kyl speak during the Republican Party election night event in Phoenix, Arizona November 6, 2012. Flake defeated former surgeon general and U.S. Senate Democratic candidate Richard Carmona. REUTERS/Joshua Lott (UNITED STATES – Tags: POLITICS USA PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION ELECTIONS)

During discussions about who will fill the seat of once-failed presidential candidate and former Senator John McCain (R-AZ), the name of a “Republican” pro-amnesty former Senator continues to surface.

Jon Kyl served in the U.S. Senate from 1995 to 2013 alongside McCain, and was Senate Majority Whip for some of that time. His voting record on immigration can is moderate at best, which could spell doom for the America First agenda in Arizona.

In 2007, Kyl caved to Democrats and championed “bipartisan immigration legislation,” resulting in a near-shunning from his constituents and Republican Party representatives in Arizona.

The bill promised to increase border security, establish a new system for employee verification, create temporary-worker programs, and begin shift to a merit based immigration system – all in exchange for amnesty for 12 million illegals living in the United States.

Mercifully, the bill was never passed.

But Republican voters rejected such ham-handed immigration deals that seem to always involve rewarding illegals for breaking our laws when they elected President Donald J. Trump in 2016. Appointing Kyl, now a D.C. lobbyist, to the Senate would be stepping on the toes of Trump’s America First agenda.

And it is not just amnesty that Kyl favored.

Throughout his entire Senate career, he consistently voted to bring more foreign workers to the United States, displacing Americans who needed jobs to support their families.

For example, in 2007 he voted in favor of of increasing foreign worker importation. During the same year he voted in favor of increasing foreign worker visas. And then he voted against an amendment to protect American workers. After that, he voted against an amendment that reduced a proposed guestworker program in a bill.

In 2006, he voted for increasing foreign worker visas.

In 2005, he voted against the Byrd Amendment that would have prevented additional foreign-worker importation

In 2003, voted in favor of a bill to increase foreign-worker importation. During the same year, he voted in favor of worker importation program in Singapore “free trade” agreement, and he voted for bill providing unlimited worker visas.

In 2000, he voted for voted for a foreign worker bill with no American worker protections, and he voted for a bill to grant visas to foreign workers.

Kyl’s record continues on the same way throughout the 1990’s. In fact, in 1990, he voted for a blanket bill to bring more immigrants to the United States.

It is truly amazing that these weak establishment Republicans managed to put immigrants ahead of Americans for so many years, and still allowed themselves to be branded as “racists” by the political left.

Trump likes winners. Kyl is not one of them.

Follow Peter D’Abrosca on Twitter.

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