Pro-Life Activists Arrested at Nancy Pelosi’s Office for Protesting Her Support of Baby Killing

Dozens of pro-life activists staged a sit-in at House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s D.C. office on Wednesday, January 22, 2020.

Several of the peaceful protestors were then arrested and taken away by the police.

The sit-in formed part of a broader campaign dubbed the “Purple Sash Revolution,” an initiative the Stanton Public Policy Center is pushing. The purple sashes participants were wearing manifested their solidarity with the women who fought for universal suffrage, who wore purple sashes as well.

The group wanted to raise awareness about Pelosi’s role in road-blocking legislation that would compel abortionists to take infants who survive abortions to hospitals, where they would receive the same kind of care as any other newborn. House Democrats have derailed the bill more than 80 times by preventing a vote on it.

LifeSiteNews was present providing live video coverage of the event. Pro-lifers congregated in the reception area of Pelosi’s office. However, the Speaker herself was not present that day because she was leading a congressional delegation to Israel.

Nevertheless, multiple pro-life activists used this gathering to voice their disapproval of Pelosi’s pro-abortion behavior.

“There are people alive today who survived abortions, and their lives have just as much dignity and value as any other human being,” one asserted, asking Pelosi to “see the value in those infants who are left aside in a bucket, to look at them with the dignity that she looks at America.”

“I just want Nancy Pelosi to understand that she needs to hear all of our voices and be very open-minded on how everyone feels, how these unborn children cannot even speak and we’re here to stand up for them,” another stated. “We just really need her to open up and listen to all of us.”

The group then moved on to the hallway. The crowd then started singing Amazing Grace and the Reverend Patrick Mahoney, director of the Christian Defense Coalition, led the group in prayer.

“We were inside Nancy Pelosi’s office, we left, a number of people knelt down in front of her office door, and then the capitol police asked us to leave,” LifeSiteNews’ Doug Mainwaring gave his recollection of what happened at this event. “So most of us were herded out to the far end of the hallway, although some remain in front of the Speaker’s office…they’ve been threatened to be arrested by police.”

Nine people ended up being arrested.

“It is unacceptable that we as a nation would ever think that it would be okay to pass legislation in states that would allow for a baby to be killed after a botched, late-term abortion,” Stanton founder and CEO Brandi Swindell told LifeSiteNews.

“These little babies are fighting to survive an attempt for their life to be taken out, and then we give abortionists another opportunity to kill that baby? It’s wrong. It is not who we are as a society. It is barbaric. And so all of us here today, we represent the millions of Americans that reject abortion or reject late-term abortion. And so today was a moment of strength, it was a moment of power, it was a moment of speaking truth to power,” she added.

The sit-in occurred on the 47th anniversary of the Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade ruling.

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