Public Perception of Sports Drops 30 Points in a Year as Americans Reject ‘Wokeball’ in Overwhelming Fashion

The results of a recent Gallup poll show that Americans are rejecting “wokeball” in massive numbers.
The poll shows a 30 point shift in how Americans perceive the sports industry year over year. The favorability rating went from +20 to -10 from the period of Aug. 1-14, 2019 to the period of Jul. 30-Aug. 12, 2020. The numbers dropped 46 points among Republicans, 36 points among Independents, and 5 points among Democrats.
Gallup polled 1,031 Americans from all 50 states to determine their results. They found that favorability ratings declined across the board. The numbers dropped 15 points among the 18-to-34 demographic, 44 points among the 35-to-54 demographic, and 29 points among the 55+ demographic. They dropped 24 points among men and 34 points among women. They are down 26 points among white Americans and 35 points among non-white Americans.
This is a precipitous collapse in support that has been caused by athletes like Los Angeles Lakers forward LeBron James embracing extreme left-wing politics.
Big League Politics has reported on James being a fraud who plays the role of anti-white revolutionary at the behest of his totalitarian Chinese masters:
NBA superstar and Chinese-owned pawn LeBron James made a fool of himself yet again when he stuttered and stammered about a black power book he was holding at a recent press conference.
James was holding “The Autobiography of Malcolm X,” a book about the Islamic black separatist leader when reporter Taylor Rooks asked him about “his biggest takeaway” from the book.
This is when James looked like a deer in the headlines and exposed himself as a phony and an ignoramus.
“Um…I kind of just started a couple days ago,” James said. “Um…But um…I’ve read a lot of notes over the years. This is my first time actually reading this from start to finish.”
James responded as if he was just called out by his school teacher to give a report in front of class on a book he clearly has never read.
“It’s just a very, um, a very smart man,” the inarticulate ball-thrower said. “A very very very smart man, and basically, um, his words in the 60s, and, uh, what’s going on. What’s actually going on today still.”
James struggled to put together a coherent thought when put on the spot without a script to read from his Chinese masters.
“Things is going to be thrown at us where they try to weaken us, um, they try to make us feel like we’re not kings and queens,” he said. “And it’s going to come from different races and different such shapes and sizes and things of that nature.”
These privileged, pampered athletes are killing the golden goose that has allowed them to become millionaires for playing a child’s game. Perhaps if they had higher IQs, they could see the error of their ways.