Pure Evil: UCSF’s Baby Part Harvesting Operations Exposed In Records Obtained By Pro-Life Group
The University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) has for a long time funded mulitple abortionist experiments under various umbrellas. Per Live Action, “their gruesome experiments [involve] fetal tissue and body parts, including recent experiments involving humanized mice, as well as the egregiously inhumane second-trimester abortions which supply those fetal parts.
UCSF reportedly receives millions of taxpayer dollars to conduct these trials.
In a recent exposé by Pro-Life San Francisco, an organization that has long protested UCSF and other similar organizations, multiple logs exposing various procedures were shown, with requests created under the California Public Records Act reamining unasnwered.
A few of the requests can be found below:
“1. Any and all UCSF protocols and procedures for determining the viability of a neonate after labor induction abortion procedures including … in instances where the neonate is born alive after the procedure is performed,”
2. UCSF’s protocols and procedures regarding the delivery of medical care to neonates born at the Women’s Options Center[s],” and
3. Human fetal tissue procurement logs.”
Discussions between attorneys of Pro-Life San Francisco and UCSF revealed that the first two requests cannot be granted as there is no protocol to start with, and conequently a lack of supporting documentation. The implication of this is that survivors of abortion are simply left to die, as the Univeristy has not recognized procedure to save them nor any kind of legal requirement to do so.
The idea of “viability” of a fetus comes into contention constantly, with many struggling to agree on an objective defition.
“Viability is a complicated medical construct,” said Colleen McNicholas, chief medical officer for Planned Parenthood of the St. Louis Region and Southwest Missouri, in testimony before the US House of Representatives. “There is no particular gestational age. There are some pregnancies in which a fetus will never be viable. There are a number of different factors that we think about when we’re considering if a pregnancy is or isn’t viable.”
In terms of records that are currently visible, Pro-Life San Francisco leaked muliple e-mails, including a casual discussion between scientists of collecting an aborted baby’s kidneys before wishing eachother a happy Thanksgiving.
Body harvesting operations from abortionists have been exposed in the past, with seemingly nothing ever occuring to stop what is an apparent violation of the Hyde Ammendment.