Purported USDA Official Threatens to Deny Food to Man Talking about Constitutional Rights

An alleged USDA official has threatened a man for talking about his Constitutional rights in a social media post on Tuesday.
Robert Caruso, a man who listed himself as a USDA employee on Twitter and formerly worked for the Federal Reserve and Department of Defense, picked a fight with pro-Constitution advocate Marc Randazza.
Power grabs… I can't believe you have an Italian surname.
There were thousands of people in bars this weekend. Who's being oppressed? List them. Point them out.
— Robert Caruso (@robertcaruso) March 16, 2020
The exchange grew more personal from there, and Caruso had the audacity to imply that Randazza would be denied food rations in a crisis for airing his constitutional opinions publicly.
This is happening, whether you like it or not. There will be curfews, freedom of assembly restricted, and—boy, it was not wise to snap at me—if it gets really bad, food will be rationed. Take a wild guess which department would ration the food. https://t.co/uzqaCvvrb8
— Robert Caruso (@robertcaruso) March 16, 2020
Caruso may not even be a real employee with the USDA, considering his long and documented history as a grifter going back many years.
Deadspin exposed Caruso’s history of deception back in 2016:
Which brings us to the strange case of Robert Caruso, a young, intense, and charismatic wannabe warmaker. He touts an impressive résumé for a 31-year-old: Per his bio at the Guardian and elsewhere, Caruso shops himself as a Navy veteran who “served in the Office of the Secretary of Defense” and “in the Bureau of Diplomatic Security at the Department of State and as a contractor for the Department of the Army.”
These days he lists himself on LinkedIn as a “political consultant” and a “Fellow” with Hillary Clinton’s campaign. He’s a longtime and prolific member of natsec Twitter, well-liked and oft-cited by both “no-fly-zones-can-work” liberals and “let’s-nuke-China” conservatives…
Unfortunately for the readers who get jazzed by this kind of stuff, there’s a problem with Caruso’s wunderkind image: His résumé is, at best, exaggerated. He’s not the well-connected operator he presents himself as. He may seem like a frothing parody of a Russia-obsessed centrist national security grifter, dreamed up by a left-wing satirist looking to skewer the dim and dangerous foreign-policy consensus class, but Robert Caruso is very real—even if portions of his impressive-looking author bio aren’t.
Let’s begin with his résumé. Several sources close to Caruso say they never heard of him holding a job that went beyond an administrative assistant. “His opinions should not be taken seriously,” said a onetime military colleague, who requested anonymity to avoid retaliation from Caruso. (As you’ll see, this is not an unreasonable fear). “His opinion on Kit Kat bars should not be taken seriously.”
The Clinton campaign told me they have no record of Caruso ever working as a “fellow” for them. Caruso provided me a reference, an unpaid volunteer in Dade City, Florida, who could not confirm his status as a fellow. A field organizer in Florida said there was no record of him on file as a fellow, and that the position is an informal, unpaid, intern-like gig in any case…
Caruso’s Naval records show he was a yeoman, typically an enlistee in charge of clerical work. His discharge papers show that he began his service in November 15, 2005 and ended up on the the USS Harry S. Truman, attached to Operations Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom. His reason for discharge in March 2009 is redacted.
His résumé says he was an “administrative assistant” who “[p]repared correspondence and travel arrangements for a C-level executive, their office, and personal staff.” Two sources familiar with Caruso’s time on the Truman, including an ex-shipmate, Ryan Baxter, say that he was a “paper pusher” who never saw combat, despite his remarks on Twitter about facing danger in “Iraq, Afghanistan, the Gulf, and the Horn [of Africa].”
Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX) took Caruso to task on Twitter for his threats and potential abuse of power.
Guess what, Robert – Article I pays your bills. Back off your bureaucratic high-horse chief. This is not what public service is about. https://t.co/iGp2ug5ibo
— Chip Roy (@chiproytx) March 17, 2020
Power-grabbing bureaucrats may turn out to be even worse for public health than the coronavirus itself when this crisis is all said and done.