Rapper 50 Cent Endorses Donald Trump’s Reelection

Rapper and actor 50 Cent endorsed President Donald Trump for reelection in an Instagram post on Monday, citing Joe Biden’s tentative tax plan that would implement a total tax rate of 62% on some New York City residents.
Joe Biden’s tax plan would place the largest tax liability in the country on wealthy individuals who live in New York City. It’s very likely the implementation of such a policy would lead to the further erosion of the city’s tax base, potentially placing New York on a path to fiscal insolvency, especially after becoming the global ground zero for the coronavirus pandemic.
50 Cent may be the most prominent rap artist to endorse the President. Kanye West had originally supported Trump, only to run for President of his own accord as an independent.
50 and the President have some similarities, most notably originally hailing from the Queens borough of New York City. They’ve known each other for some time, and 50 Cent has generally declined to wage partisan attacks against President Trump.