Remembrance Project Urges Texas AG Ken Paxton to Stop Playing Games with Border Security

Stop Playing Games with Border Security

The Remembrance Project, a premier organization pushing for border security that exposes the dangerous activity of illegal aliens, has issued a letter to Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton demanding him to take action on the border.

The organization is sick of the cheap publicity stunts from Paxton as well as his boss Texas Governor Greg Abbott, who has allowed the border to be flooded but never misses a media op to pose as if he is an immigration hawk.

“Our Texas Border with Mexico is not protected. With nearly 2 million illegal aliens invading our country in 2021, it is evident to Texans – and to the rest of the world – that our border is wide open. Foreign nationals are streaming across the Texas-Mexico border and invading our sovereign state,” wrote Maria Espinosa, who serves as National Director and Co-Founder of the Remembrance Project.

The Remembrance Project is issuing a demand for Paxton’s opinion on whether or not the feds have failed at enforcing the constitution, particularly Article IV, Section 4, to protect the U.S. southern border. They also asked him whether or not he believes that Texas has the right to defend its sovereignty.

“The Remembrance Project would like your legal opinion as to whether the federal government has failed in its Constitutional duty to protect the Texas border with Mexico under Article IV, Sect. 4 of the U.S Constitution,” Espinosa wrote. “We would also like your legal opinion as to whether the State of Texas has the right to defend its sovereignty.”

“This is an urgent matter that requires your immediate attention. The lives of Texans are at great risk. We thank you in advance for your expeditious action in delivering your legal opinions,” she added.

The full letter can be accessed here.

Big League Politics has reported on Abbott’s miserable failure to secure the border and his constant deference to the Biden regime on the issue:

Texas Governor Greg Abbott is backing down on defending the border after the Biden administration told him he couldn’t do it and he acquiesced to this federal overreach.

Abbott announced on Thursday that he would be shutting down six ports of entry at the border, enjoying news media headlines indicating that he was tough on the border. Then, only hours later, he reversed his decision at the behest of the Biden regime.

The weak, feckless RINO leader in predictable fashion is blaming Biden for his own lack of will and courage in enforcing the rule of law.

“The sheer negligence of the Biden Administration to do their job and secure the border is appalling,” Abbott said to the Washington Examiner.

He released an official statement passing the buck as well:

This follows a familiar pattern of Abbott posturing for the cameras and the news media as a strong leader before wilting shortly afterward and hoping conservative don’t notice.”

This is a chance for Paxton to differentiate from the weak governor on immigration policy. If he fails the challenge, he will prove himself to be as feckless as Abbott.

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