Rep. Gohmert: Rosenstein Offered To Wear Wire TWICE to ‘Take Down The President’

Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) joined KETK Friday to discuss the bombshell news that former Deputy Director and Acting Director of the FBI, Andrew McCabe, discussed removing President Donald J. Trump from office with members of the Department of Justice.

During the interview, Gohmert dropped a bombshell in his own right.

“What McCabe knows, and I don’t know if he says it on ’60 Minutes’, but there was a second meeting,” he said. “Rosenstein was getting beat up because they were saying ‘you guys helped fire [Former FBI Director James] Comey’ – our buddy Comey – and you’re not serious about taking out Trump. That’s in the first meeting, and he said ‘yeah, I’ll even wear a wire if you want, I’ll help you take him out.’ And to ensure that people knew how serious he was, at a separate meeting with McCabe – there was at least one other witness – Rosenstein brought it up again, a second time, and said ‘look, I was really serious, I will wear a wire to try to take down the President.”

Rosenstein’s official explanation for offering to wear a wire the first time was that he was just joking.

“McCabe heard that, and he went and immediately briefed some of his deputies on what Rosenstein had just said a second time, that he still insisted he’ll wear a wire to try to take down the President.

Watch the full segment here.

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