Rep. Madison Cawthorn Calls Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky a ‘Thug’, Warns of Their ‘Corrupt’ Government Pushing ‘Woke’ Policies

Rep. Madison Cawthorn (R-NC) has called Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky a “thug” in a statement that neoconservative RINOs are attempting to use to hurt the lawmaker.

“Zelensky is a thug. Remember that the Ukrainian government is incredibly corrupt and is incredibly evil and has been pushing woke ideologies,” Cawthorn said.

The clip posted by the so-called Republican Accountability Project can be seen here:

Recently, Cawthorn has emerged as an America First legislative champion, opposing foreign interventions and learning the correct lessons from the War on Iraq, War on Afghanistan and other botched military adventures.

 “Propaganda is being used to entice America into another war. I do not want Americans dying because emotions pushed us into a conflict,” Cawthorn wrote in tweets responding to the attacks against his character.

“The actions of Putin and Russia are disgusting,” he added. “But leaders, including Zelensky, should NOT push misinformation on America. I am praying for Ukraine and the Ukrainian people. Pray also we are not drawn into conflict based on foreign leaders pushing misinformation.”

Cawthorn recently made a rousing statement in favor of an America First foreign policy:

Big League Politics has reported on Cawthorn’s improvement as a legislator and emergence as an America First champion:

Representative Madison Cawthorn (R-N.C.) called Joe Biden an “inept, geriatric despot” in a speech on the House floor Wednesday while he criticized the U.S. deployment of 3,000 troops to Eastern Europe amid pushes by American politicians to escalate tensions between the United States and Russia.

The North Carolina representative also implied that Biden is not worthy of the respect his office traditionally holds, suggesting that American troops should flip him the bird rather than displaying the typically expected military salute.

“Madam Speaker, the sons and daughters of America are not foot soldiers for your party’s inept, geriatric despot. They are not expendable pawns to be dispatched at the whims of an idiot, tossed carelessly around the world to Godforsaken caves and bloody sandboxes. They are Americans, worthy of honor and dignity. The only salute from them Joe Biden deserves involves one finger,” said the 26-year-old first-term lawmaker.

Cawthorn is not the first conservative to use the word “geriatric” to describe Biden when lambasting his unpopular performance in office. J.D. Vance, the author of “Hillbilly Elegy” now-turned Ohio Republican senate candidate, referred to Joe Biden as a “geriatric tyrant” in reaction to his Covid-19 policies last September.

Cawthorn also accused Biden of war-mongering with troops in order to carry out the bidding of the military-industrial complex.

“Our greatness is forged in our resistance to interference. The war lobby has no ally in the America-first Republicans. We will preserve our strength through nationalism,” he said.

Biden has faced numerous questions about his seemingly fragile mental state since he began his campaign for U.S. President in 2020. Videos showing the White House occupant’s mental decline on full display can be found throughout the internet in spite of unprecedented internet censorship by big tech conglomerates, with various examples seen both before and after he assumed office.”

Cawthorn is speaking truth about Zelensky that few Republicans have the courage to say. He deserves to be applauded for calling out the foreign policy establishment and the military-industrial complex.

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