Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene Wants to Give Congressional Gold Medal to Kyle Rittenhouse

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-SC) has introduced legislation that would honor 18-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse with a Congressional Gold Medal.

The bill, introduced on Tuesday, would give a Congressional Gold Medal to Rittenhouse for “protecting the community of Kenosha, Wisconsin, during a Black Lives Matter (BLM) riot on August 25, 2020.”

Greene has praised Rittenhouse following his acquittal in murder charges for standing bravely against a mob in Kenosha, Wisc. while demanding consequences for media goons who defamed him.

Thus far, nobody has co-sponsored Greene’s bill but that may change in the upcoming days as Rittenhouse becomes a celebrity among the Right. He even visited with President Trump in Florida shortly after being acquitted.

Big League Politics has reported on the rise of Rittenhouse as a living embodiment of the supremacy of the 2nd Amendment, firearms freedom and the rule of law:

On November 19, 2021, the jury in the Kyle Rittenhouse trial acquitted Kyle of all charges against him. In doing so, Rittenhouse has been confirmed to have acted in self-defense against 3 of his assailants during the Kenosha, Wisconsin riots in 2020. The National Foundation for Gun Rights(NFGR) published a press release shortly after this announcement. 

“Today, the American justice system worked as designed, and a young man who has been lambasted, defamed, and threatened by the media and anti-gun Left was declared innocent of all the charges against him. When we saw the video evidence of Kyle defending himself and others in Kenosha, WI, NFGR made the decision to support him right away, and we’re thrilled to see that he is now a free man,” declared Dudley Brown, Executive Director for the National Foundation for Gun Rights.

NFGR was able to raise over $50,000 for Kyle Rittenhouse to assist him with legal fees back throughout 2020. NFGR is the legal wing of the National Association for Gun Rights (NAGR), and its overall mission is to defend the Second Amendment in the court system.

“Self-defense is a God-given right, and Kyle defended himself in the face of grave danger and bodily harm. We hope that Kyle will now be allowed to live a free and prosperous life, and that all Americans will understand that the Second Amendment isn’t about hunting – it’s about the right to defend oneself from tyranny and lawless criminal actors. The best gun laws in the world mean nothing if they’re not enforced and unconstitutional laws are not forcefully challenged – and the National Foundation for Gun Rights was founded to do just that.” added Brown.

Republicans would be wise to sign onto Greene’s proposal. Rittenhouse is a superstar, and Republicans need to promote his stardom on behalf of the Bill of Rights.

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