Report: 44 Percent of Pregnant Women in Pfizer COVID Vaccine Trials Lost Their Babies

According to public data researched by Dr. Naomi Wolf, 44 percent of the pregnant mothers who participated in the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine clinical trials lost their babies during the study.
Wolf has analyzed 300,000 pages of Pfizer documents with the help of crowdsourcing that were finally released in January. The Big Pharma giant attempted to delay the release of these documents for decades, but their efforts ultimately failed. Now, it is easy to see why they wanted to conceal them from the public considering how murderous their vaccine studies turned out to be.
“Women will understand how tragic this is. Pfizer took those deaths of babies, those spontaneous abortions and miscarriages, and recategorized them as ‘recovered result adverse effects.’ In other words, if you lost your baby, it was categorized by Pfizer as a resolved adverse event, like a headache that got better,” Wolf said during an appearance on the War Room podcast.
Even though it is well-understood that these vaccines can be tremendously harmful to pregnant women, the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) still strongly recommends pregnant women to submit to the vaccine regime.
“COVID-19 vaccination is recommended for all people 6 months and older. This includes people who are pregnant, breastfeeding, trying to get pregnant now, or might become pregnant in the future. CDC also recommends COVID-19 vaccines for infants 6 months and older who’s [sic] mother was vaccinated or had a COVID infection before or while pregnant,” the CDC states.
Big League Politics has reported on how suppressed academic studies showed that the experimental COVID vaccines cause miscarriages among pregnant women:
“A new scientific study has concluded that “the claims made” by the public health establishment regarding “the safety of exposure of women in early pregnancy to mRNA-based vaccines to prevent COVID-19 are unwarranted.”
… The authors of the study are recommending “that those policy decisions be revisited” by lawmakers based on the evidence they have found showing the mRNA vaccines can cause miscarriages within pregnant women.
They found that the Big Pharma-backed studies were misrepresented in order to push the vaccines out to more people.
“The Pfizer-BioNTech study of rats was reported to indicate no issues in fertility of the exposed animals or their pups. However, more careful scrutiny of the study indicates an increase (approximately 2 times) of pre-implantation loss (9.77% compared to 4.09% in the control group),” the study states.
“Considering the evidence presented here, we suggest the immediate withdrawal of mRNA vaccine use in pregnancy (Category X)[41] and those breastfeeding, alongside the withdrawal of mRNA vaccines to children or those of child-bearing age in the general population, until more convincing data relating to the safety and long-term impacts on fertility, pregnancy and reproduction are established in these groups,” they concluded.
The study was published in the journal, Science, Public Health Policy, and the Law, in conjunction with the Institute for Pure and Applied Knowledge (IPAK) and Public Health Policy Initiative (PHPI). It was conducted by Drs. Aleisha Brock and Simon Thornley, who are based out of New Zealand.”
It is time to start calling this the COVID genocide. This bioweapon was released to cause death and destruction across the planet, and the globalists are just getting started.