REPORT: Crates Filled with Pipe Bombs Discovered Near Korean War Memorial, Authorities Pursuing Suspect

Jack Posobiec reported that authorities had discovered a crate filled with pipe bombs near a Korean War Memorial in Washington, D.C. As of Tuesday evening, law enforcement is said to be pursuing a suspect in their placement.

Posobiec later sited law enforcement sources that claimed U-Haul trucks with New Jersey license plate tags are delivering weapons stashes for ANTIFA rioters throughout the city of D.C.

Pipe bombs are crude explosive devices that can be utilized as grenades. They’re easy to manufacture in clandestine laboratories, and have been used by some of the world’s more notorious terrorist groups in acts of political violence.

ANTIFA and race riot protestors are said to be congregating outside of the Lincoln Memorial as they prepare to continue the nightly riots in Washington D.C. An elevated National Guard presence was seen on hand at the memorial, incensing liberals who simply want the demonstrably criminal and violent rioters to be treated with kid gloves despite their proven track record of criminality and aggression.

The story is continuing to develop, and Big League Politics is closely monitoring the situation.

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