Report: Foreign Agencies Ran Domestic ‘Honeypot’ Prostitution Scheme to Blackmail Members of Congress, Defense Officials
Intelligence officials are indicating that unknown foreign agencies were likely running a “honeypot” prostitution operation to blackmail members of Congress, prominent military officials, and other members of the global elite, according to a Daily Mail report.
A large network of high-end brothels in the suburbs of Boston and Washington D.C. was recently busted. It was ostensibly run by South Koreans but intelligence officials believe these South Koreans were the front men for a more illicit operation.
“Having the Koreans out front could have been a false flag to give China or another country plausible deniability if the plot unraveled,” a former CIA senior operations officer said to the Daily Mail.
In addition to the military officials and members of Congress, other clients of this prostitution ring included corporate chieftains, academic professors, attorneys, and scientists. Two of the Washington D.C.-area brothels were conveniently located within 15 minutes from the White House, Congress, Pentagon and CIA. Boston is another strategic target, with prestigious universities such as Harvard and MIT regularly producing individuals who go on to staff government agencies and powerful corporations.
Multiple experts have confirmed that this operation has all of the hallmarks of the “honeypot” operation where high-level individuals are caught doing seedy, unethical or illegal activities, which are then held over their head by hostile operators for the purposes of control.
“The most valuable information in Washington and Boston are government secrets,” a former foreign spy told the Daily Mail. “If you open a prostitution business that caters to wealthy clients in those cities, you’ll get a lot of people walking through the doors that have access to them.”
Former CIA Special Agent Nic McKinley, who leads a nonprofit called the “Deliver Fund,” which works to stop human trafficking, told the Daily Mail that this sophisticated prostitution network does not make sense from a profit perspective and this likely means there is a different agenda at play.
“If this had been a pure cash play, massage parlors are easier to set up, have lower overhead costs and print money,” McKinley said. “But they wouldn’t have pulled in affluent customers from government and national security circles.”
In order to apply for membership for the brothel network, individuals had to submit government identification, contacts from their phone and email, information on their employer, and even credit card records. One former CIA operators officer told the Daily Mail that this is on the level of a “Nigerian prince scam” and was incredulous that anyone could fall for such an obvious scam.
But in the decaying and debauched U.S. empire, this type of behavior is to be expected. There are corrupt reckless officials selling us out to anyone willing to write a check, and they are vulnerable to nefarious blackmail operations – just look at Jeffrey Epstein.