Republican Donors are Begging for Amnesty In Order to Allegedly Fight Inflation

POLITICO reported that over a dozen GOP donors are devising a new ploy to get Republican leaders in Congress to expand immigration. These bigwig donors are now making the case that boosting immigration will help curb inflation and solve America’s so-called “labor shortage.”

On June 15, 2022, 14 donors, who described themselves as “life-long Republicans” sent a letter to Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy calling them to hammer out a deal to grant amnesty to illegal aliens. They believe that this amnesty proposal “makes economic sense.”

“Improving border security and providing a pathway to citizenship for Dreamers is not only morally right; it is also absolutely crucial to addressing labor shortages, reducing food prices and creating jobs for all American families,” the donors said in the letter, which was organized by the American Business Immigration Coalition. This letter was first shared with POLITICO. 

So far, Republicans have been reluctant to pass amnesty bills, largely due to grassroots America First pressure within the GOP and the American populace’s reluctance to bring in cheap labor after a much economic upheaval caused by government policy towards the Wuhan virus pandemic. 

This letter was sent on the 10-year anniversary of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, which was enacted during Barack Obama’s administration and has remained in legal limbo since then. The 5th Circuit Court of Appeals is slated to hear oral arguments in July on the legality of DACA.

In this letter, the donors highlighted the Dreamers’ economic contributions and declared that terminating DACA would bring about “untold devastation” for every sector that these illegal aliens work in. 

“Taking hundreds of thousands out of the labor force will further fuel inflation, exacerbate supply chain challenges and tip the economy into recession,” the signers of the letter wrote. It also would limit the nation’s “global contest to attract and retain talent.”

“Our policies must allow us to compete for the workers we need to fuel our economy and retain the young talent that already exists here but lacks the security of permanent legal status,” the group stated.

“Until the election is over, they’re going to be a very low-risk group and so we’ll just keep hammering away at them,” one of the signatories to the letter, John Rowe, Exelon chair emeritus and a seasoned GOP proponent for amnesty, said to POLITICO. “I don’t think the real issue is persuading McConnell and Cornyn … I think the real issue is in showing them it’s safe to have a little courage.”

Craig Duchossois, executive chair of the private investment firm Duchossois Group and another prominent GOP donor who was a signatory to the letter, observed that “with the division within the country, the odds probably don’t favor” passing amnesty for Dreamers.

Duchossois is notable in how he has donated millions of dollars to Republican candidates and organizations such as the Senate Leadership Fund and Congressional Leadership Fund in the 2022 election cycle.

“Why we’re using this as a political football frustrates the hell out of me,” Duchossois expressed in frustration, noting that amnesty is a “win-win situation.”

This type of gridlock is what America First patriots should desire. BLP has previously reported that Republican Party voters see curbing illegal immigration as one of the party’s top priorities. Capitulating to Open Borders Inc is not only an act of political folly, but also an act of civilizational destruction as the country gets swamped by unassimilable hordes of migrants.

The emerging right-wing populist faction of the GOP should give these pro-cheap labor donors the cold shoulder. They don’t belong in an America First party. These cheap labor junkies are better off in the neoliberal Democratic Party. Or better yet, in a jail cell for their blatant acts of treason by advocating for mass migration, a policy that dilutes the national character of the Historic American Nation. 

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