Republican National Committee Adopts Resolution “Refuting the Legitimacy” of Far-Left Southern Poverty Law Center

The Republican National Committee adopted a resolution refuting the legitimacy of the leftist nonprofit Southern Poverty Law Center, a well-funded group known for the practice of extorting and slandering conservative groups and individuals with false accusations of prejudice.

The SPLC was an partner of the federal government until recently, with governmental organizations such as the FBI ending their relationship with the far-left legal foundation when evidence of financial improprieties, corruption and sex scandals came to light.

The RNC resolution points to the SPLC’s legacy of dishonesty, in particular the incitement of violence against those they place on their “hate group” list. Domestic terrorist Floyd Lee Corkins attempted to execute a mass shooting at the Family Research Council, a Christian organization he had decided to target on the basis of its placement on the SPLC’s “hate group” list.

View the RNC’s resolution here.

The resolution calls for the SPLC to be cut off from any and all forms of governmental partnership.

Big League Politics has reported extensively upon the legacy of corruption and slander associated with the SPLC. The organization’s longtime leader and co-founder, Morris Dees, was forced to resign in disgrace following multiple sex scandals, including the revelation of divorce documents in which his ex-wife accused him of abusing of own stepdaughter.

This is a great move for the Republican Party. In effect, the slanderous left-wing organization is now recognized as a hate group of its own.

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