Republicans Beat Democrats in Statewide Vote for New Jersey Assembly

Republicans outright defeated Democrats in the popular vote for elections to the State Assembly in New Jersey earlier this month, in a political development that spells doom for the far-left extremist party’s prospects with white suburban voters in the 2022 elections.

President Joe Biden defeated Donald Trump by 16 percentage points in the 2020 presidential election in New Jersey, a margin that would appear to render the prospect of any GOP victories in the state impossible. The dramatic turnaround indicates that Republicans are within reach of wide-ranging electoral victories in 2022 that could render midterm sweeps seen in 2010 and 1996 diminutive by comparison.

Most prominently, a truck driver who spent $153 on his campaign defeated the Democrat New Jersey Senate President. Edward Durr describes being denied a concealed carry permit as the imperative for his campaign. Republican Jack Ciaramella was within percentage points of defeating Democrat Governor Phil Murphy, only conceding days after election night as additional ballots were counted.

New Jersey Republicans won 10,000 more votes than the Democrats did for the bicameral State Assembly.

Republicans failed to capture legislative majorities in either chamber of New Jersey’s State Assembly, a developing attesting to the severity of pro-Democrat gerrymandering in the state.

New Jersey has also incurred one of the most severe state coronavirus pandemics in the United States, with Democrat policies mandating masks and byzantine restrictions on small businesses and everyday life doing little to ameliorate the situation. New Jersey’s Democrat government also forced seniors infected with coronavirus into nursing homes in a manner to akin to New York criminal Andrew Cuomo, endangering hundreds of thousands of of seniors uniquely vulnerable to the disease.

Republicans also won sweeping electoral victories in New York’s Long Island, in yet another development indicating white suburban voters- many of whom are traditional Democrats- have tired of ceaseless “woke” garbage on the part of the Democratic Party.

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