Restaurant Manager Finds Owner of a 96-Year-Old Bible

A restaurant manager has finally solved the mystery of finding the owner of a 96-year-old Bible that found in his restaurant.
Ruben Navarette of the Italian restaurant “Azzurro” had been looking for the owner of the old Bible for many months. “When he discovered the well-worn book inside a plastic bag in the restaurant bathroom in October 2018, Navarette thought the owner would return soon,” according to Liftable.
Mysterious 96-year-old bible left at Henrico restaurant
— WTVR CBS 6 Richmond (@CBS6) March 14, 2019
After finding the Bible Navarette said,”I wrote a date on it and stuck in the safe because I figured for a bible they’ll probably be back the next day,” according to WTVR. With no owner returning back to claim it, Navarette was determined to reunite the book with its owner. The only evidence he had was the name scribed “Eleanor Pauline Dillard” and the date “December 25,1923”. After searching and failing to find anyone with that name, Navarette continued his quest.
“With our reservation system we can search up names and I tried searching that name up. I knew there would be a slim chance I’d be able to find any information on it and unfortunately I couldn’t,” he said. With little to no information besides a name and a small picture of Jesus between pages 808 and 809, Navarette was sure that the owner was missing their book, “It definitely belongs to someone’s family and I’m sure it has a lot of sentimental value to them.”
After months of researching with no results, Navarette reached out to CBS 6 (his local news station) and after numerous tips were sent in, the owner was found. The owner has been reunited with this almost 100-year-old book!